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Off da ROOK Blindfold Event 2015
Blindfold Chess at Magic Island, HI
Timur does a blindfold simul at Magic Island at the Hawaiian Chess Festival.
Off da ROOK Conejo Valley Blindfold Chess Event
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Rapid Blindfold Blitz
Timur demos a 5 minute blindfold blitz game
Gareyev plays 10 blindfold games at Cook County
Austin, TX Match
GM Timur Gareev performs blindfold simultaneous exhibition with 4 boards at the Laura Bush Library hosted by Checkmate Kids Chess Club in Austin TX. GM Timur Gareev won all 4 games. Franc Guadalupe (seen at the begining of the video) introduces GM Timur Gareev to the audience. Julia Hall (seen in the blue shirt) makes the moves for Timur.
Blindfold Exhibtion Match
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